Bonjour à tous!
Hi there!
Devezh mat deoc'h !
Voilà, après quasiment un an de travail, étalé sur plusieurs périodes, j'en ai fini avec ce buste. Etrangement, malgré la somme somme de travail que j'ai dû mettre dessus, je n'ai pas eu vraiment de sentiment de lassitude. J'ai énormément appris grâce à ce projet, tant en sculpture, peinture de visage féminin, gestion des lumières, freehand...
I started this project one year ago. I worked on it during several timeframes. And it's done. I was surprise to still have pleasure to paint it, nevertheless the time I spent. I learnt a lot with this project, sculpting, female face painting, light management, freehand...
I started this project one year ago. I worked on it during several timeframes. And it's done. I was surprise to still have pleasure to paint it, nevertheless the time I spent. I learnt a lot with this project, sculpting, female face painting, light management, freehand...
Que représente cette femme? Il faut savoir qu'au XIXème siècle, il y a en Bretagne une explosion des costumes locaux. La région est à la croisée de plusieurs tendances. L'amélioration des moyens de communications permet aux colporteurs ambulants d'emmener de nouveaux matériaux dans les campagnes. Les créateurs locaux répondent à l'envie de la population d'exprimer leur fierté par des costumes très complexes.
Il ne faut cependant pas s'y tromper. Le costume breton est typiquement rural, les habitants des grandes villes préférant un vêtement plus "parisien". Il faut imaginer le contraste de la vie très rude dans les champs avec les célébrations, beaucoup plus rares. Mariages et pardons religieux pour l'essentiel. J'espère que ce contraste se voit dans le buste. Le visage représente la fierté, tandis que les mains, plus sages mais plus abîmées représentent le travail. Il y a donc deux points focaux sur cette pièce.
Who is this woman? Need to know that during 19th century, there is a blast of local suits. The region is between several fashions. There is new communication way that allow vendors to bring new material in the countrysides. Local tailors bring the opportunity for the people to have proud and wealthy costumes.
Nevertheless, the briton costume is typically rural. People linving in towns prefer "parisian" look. Keep in mind the hard life in the countryside. That is a contrast with the religious or wedding celebrations. I hope we can understand this contrast of this bust. The face is the proud, and the hands are the humility. They are more humble and aged by the manual work. There is two focal points on this bust.
Who is this woman? Need to know that during 19th century, there is a blast of local suits. The region is between several fashions. There is new communication way that allow vendors to bring new material in the countrysides. Local tailors bring the opportunity for the people to have proud and wealthy costumes.
Nevertheless, the briton costume is typically rural. People linving in towns prefer "parisian" look. Keep in mind the hard life in the countryside. That is a contrast with the religious or wedding celebrations. I hope we can understand this contrast of this bust. The face is the proud, and the hands are the humility. They are more humble and aged by the manual work. There is two focal points on this bust.
Je ne sais plus si je vous avais dit mon inquiétude avant le passage en peinture! Au final j'ai vraiment le sentiment d'avoir eu deux projets distincts. L'un de sculpture, l'autre de mise en couleur. Vraiment étrange!
I don't know if I told you my fears before to start the paint job! I actually have the real impression to have made two different pojects. A sculpting project and a painting project. Quite strange!
I don't know if I told you my fears before to start the paint job! I actually have the real impression to have made two different pojects. A sculpting project and a painting project. Quite strange!
Hop, je vous remontre les deux photos ayant principalement guidé cette pièce. Une photo d'époque en noir et blanc et une reproduction contemporaine:
Here are the main photos I used as references. First one is a real person in black and withe, The second one is a modern reproduction.
J'en profite pour remercier Eric Goasduff du club MCK pour tous les conseils qu'il a pu m'apporter. Sans son aide j'aurai fait de nombreux anachronismes!
I have to mention a special thank to Eric Goasduff from MCK team to all his precious advices!
I have to mention a special thank to Eric Goasduff from MCK team to all his precious advices!
En bonus, la petite présentation qui accompagne la pièce en exposition!
Bonus! The little presentation I bring to the expositions in order to explain this project.
Merci à notre partenaire PK pro pour le matériel de modélisme!
Thanks to our partner PK-pro for the scale model supplies!
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